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University of Lagos Business School (ULBS)

The University of Lagos Business School (ULBS) was set up to advance the culture of excellence in Business education by the University of Lagos. The ULBS provides executive professional degree, diploma and certificate programmes, relevant to today’s working world and stands ready to help the new generation of business leaders and managers to solidify their immediate and long-term success in business.

The ULBS gives students the experience, leadership skills and networking opportunities they need to succeed in business. We are an institution dedicated to shaping leaders who will contribute immensely and ethically to the social and economic well-being of Nigeria and the world. At ULBS, students have the opportunity to be mentored by local business leaders, gain international experience through exchange opportunities and earn real-world, work experience in our business/industrial development programme before graduating. We nurture, promote innovation and entrepreneurship by providing students with access to powerful online and offline resources and simulations in the School.

The ULBS aims to be a centre of excellence, committed to the training and development of global managers and leaders, whilst providing a challenging and highly rewarding educational experience in a world class setting.

BGA Member
  • Lagos, Nigeria
  • Member (BGA)

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