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Universidad EAFIT

At EAFIT the future is present, it is a statement about our purpose, the love of knowledge and, especially, for education as a way to inspire and awaken the learning capacity that inhabits us all. Learn to invent the world every day.

The lives of people, like that of organizations, is a narrative, a story full of nuances, dramatic twists, characters and, above all, illusion, longings and imagination. It is finally a sum of memories that connect us with the past and of dreams that project us into the future. That's why celebrating life is celebrating that narrative.

Inspire, create and transform is how we name that Eafitense spirit, something dissatisfied and above all creative, that from humanism and science, and through a community of knowledge and knowledge - made up of professors, researchers, collaborators, students and graduates - wonders about the environment, society, the planet, the future.

4 MBA programmes


MBA, Part time, £10k to 20k


MBA, Part time, £10k to 20k

Maestria en Administracion

MBA, Part time

Maestría en Administración

MBA, Part time

AMBA Accredited
BGA Accredited
  • Medellín, Colombia
  • Dual Accredited, 4 MBA programmes

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