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King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals Business School

Established in 1975, KFUPM Business School (KBS) (formerly known as College of Industrial Management) offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs. It offers five undergraduate programs leading to the baccalaureate degrees in Accounting, Management Information Systems, Finance, Management, and Marketing.

The KBS Graduate Programs boast an Executive Masters of Business Administration (EMBA), an MBA, and more recently, a Master of Supply Chain Management. KBS programs are accredited by the AACSB International since 2002. All programs are subjected to periodic reviews with academic and business leaders to assure currency and relevancy. The instruction language in all programs is English. All programs require students to spend 28 weeks of work in the industry to apply knowledge and gain valuable skills and competencies.

KBS programs are delivered by qualified and experienced faculty members who were recruited from around the globe. The School enjoys excellent facilities and learning support technologies. The School fosters mutually beneficial relations with the business community and with other universities.

AMBA Accredited
BGA Member
  • Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  • AMBA Accredited, Member (BGA)

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