BGA Membership: a globe in grass and water
BGA Membership

Apply for BGA Business School Membership

Here you can find all the information you need to apply your business school for BGA membership, including eligibility criteria, fees, and the next steps to join the BGA network.

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BGA Membership Eligibility Criteria

Provide a completed BGA membership application form, signed by the dean or president of the school.
Present the most recent financial statements showcasing the financial health of the institution and its future sustainability.
Provide proof of degree awarding powers OR national/regional accreditation OR certification or accreditation by another university.

BGA Membership Fee

Annual membership


  • Annual programme consultancy review
  • Mentorship (additional £1,500 charge)
  • Up to 40% discounts to all AMBA & BGA events
  • Facilitated networking
  • Ability to contribute to Business Impact
  • Free student membership with career development support
  • Business School profile and marketing campaign materials
  • Ability to pursue BGA validation or accreditation

Institutions will only be invoiced if they are approved into the BGA network.

Explore BGA

  • BGA Validation Banner

    BGA Validation

    Get your business school ready for accreditation—validation offers an efficient quality assurance process tailored for business schools.

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  • BGA Accreditation Banner

    BGA Accreditation

    A non-prescriptive, whole-school accreditation that is focused on positive impact, responsible management, and lifelong learning.

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  • The AMBA & BGA logos on a wooden backdrop

    Joint Accreditation

    AMBA-accredited institutions have the opportunity to apply for joint accreditation from AMBA and BGA.

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