A businessman holding a small green plant in his hand, symbolising growth and sustainability.
BGA Accreditation

Meet the Assessors

See a sample list of some of the available assessors and mentors at BGA

BGA’s assessors are drawn from two distinct bodies: the BGA Accreditation Advisory Board (BAAB) and the Faculty of Assessors.

The BGA Accreditation Board plays a crucial role in overseeing the accreditation process. This board is responsible for evaluating and assessing business schools at various stages of their journey toward accreditation. It ensures that schools meet the rigorous standards set by BGA for quality and excellence in business education. Additionally, the Accreditation Board is tasked with approving applications for membership, validation, and accreditation.

On the other hand, the Faculty of Assessors is a highly respected group composed of current and former deans, directors, and senior academic leaders from some of the world’s leading business schools. Members of the Faculty dedicate part of their time to conducting peer-review assessments of business schools, providing valuable insights and feedback based on their extensive experience. Their assessments help maintain the credibility and integrity of the accreditation process, ensuring that business schools continually strive for excellence and remain aligned with global best practices in education. This pool example of professionals contributes their expertise to elevate the standards of business education globally.

BGA Accreditation Advisory Board (BAAB)

Faculty of Assessors

If you're interested in BGA accreditation or have questions about it, please feel free to contact us.

Meet the BGA-Accredited School Members

Meet the BGA-Accredited School Members

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Looking to Apply for BGA Accreditation?

Looking to Apply for BGA Accreditation?

Find out if your business school is eligible for BGA accreditation, understand the associated fees, and follow the next steps to submit an application and initiate the process.

Explore Services

  • BGA Membership

    BGA Membership

    A membership designed to enhance, support and develop business schools around the globe.

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  • BGA Validation

    BGA Validation

    Get your business school ready for accreditation—validation offers an efficient quality assurance process tailored for business schools.

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  • Joint Accreditation

    Joint Accreditation

    AMBA-accredited institutions have the opportunity to apply for joint accreditation from AMBA and BGA.

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