
Brand Resource Centre

The Brand Resource Center outlines the general rules when using AMBA brand assets and showcasing content.

You may only use the approved brand assets that are provided on this site. Consistent use of these assets helps people easily recognise references to AMBA and protect our company trademarks. Any AMBA logos or images found elsewhere on the web are not approved for use.

Brand Guidelines

AMBA Accredited Stacked Logo

AMBA-accredited stacked logo

AMBA Accredited Aligned Logo

AMBA-accredited aligned logo

Share the good news!

Now that you have downloaded the accreditation logo, you can use it to create social media assets announcing that your business school has achieved AMBA accreditation. As an active brand on social media, we encourage you to connect with us so we can engage with your school's social presence. Find AMBA social handles below.

A person typing on a laptop

Want to get in touch?

For questions about our brand resources, please get in touch.